Sermons 2017

Here is an archive of all recorded sermons for 2017 and their scripture references where available.

Below is the sermon from 12-31-17 titled “Spiritual Warfare” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.

Spiritual Warfare ppt

Below is the sermon from 12-24-17 titled “A Savior is Born” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.

A Savior Is Born ppt

** The Sermon starts and ends abruptly as there is no reading from Pastor Al in the beginning of service and the church took communion at the end of service.

Below is the sermon from 12-10-17 titled “Silence Broken” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.

Silence Broken ppt

** Rebecca’s reading and prayer are at the end of the recording.

Below is the sermon from 12-03-17 titled “Leave the Idols Behind” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.

Leave The Idols Behind ppt

Below is the sermon from 11-26-17 titled “Identity Crisis” given by Chris Ross for Living Word Church.

Identity Crisis pt 2 ppt

Below is the sermon from 11-19-17 titled “Awake and Sober” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.


Below is the sermon from 11-12-17 titled “Forgetting To Focus” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.

Forgetting To Focus ppt

Below is the sermon from 11-05-17 titled Abide: Come, Abide, Learn, Live” This is part four of a four-part series. This sermon focuses on live. The sermon was given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.

Live ppt

Below is the sermon from 10-29-17 titled Abide: Come, Abide, Learn, Live” This is part three of a four-part series. This sermon focuses on learn. The sermon was given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.


Below is the sermon from 10-22-17 titled Abide: Come, Abide, Learn, Live” This is part two of a four-part series. This sermon focuses on abide. The sermon was given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.


Below is the sermon from 10-15-17 titled “The Call: Come, Abide, Learn, Live” This is part 1 of a four-part series. This sermon focuses on Come. The sermon was given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.

The CALL ppt

Below is the sermon from 10-08-17  given by Pastor Al Wagner for Living Word Church.

**This sermon has no powerpoint slides and is unedited. You may need to adjust the volume as you listen.

Below is the sermon from 10-01-17 titled “Seeking as You Were Sought” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.

Seeking As You Were Sought ppt

Below is the sermon from 09-24-17 titled “Called to the Ministry Of Reconciliation” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.

Ministry Of Reconciliation ppt

Below is the sermon from 09-17-17 titled “God is Love” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.


Below is the sermon from 09-10-17 titled “Standing Before The Judgment Seat” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.

Standing Before The Judgment Seat ppt

Below is the sermon from 09-03-17 titled “Dressed, Ready and Watching” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.

Dressed Ready and Watching ppt

*** We are now including Pastor Al’s scripture reading and prayer before the sermon.

Below sermon from 08-27-17 titled “Final Meal – Future Feast” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.

Final Meal – Future Feast ppt

Below sermon from 08-20-17 titled “From Thunder To Love” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.

From Thunder To Love ppt

** We were still having technical difficulties recording sound this week and you may need to turn up the volume quite a bit higher to hear it clearly.

Below sermon from 08-13-17 titled “Will He Find Faith On Earth?” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.

Will He Find Faith On The Earth ppt

** We were having technical difficulties recording sound this week and you may need to turn up the volume quite a bit higher to hear it clearly.

Below sermon from 08-06-17 titled “Drowsy Disciples, Slumbering Servants” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.

Drowsy Disciples Slumbering Servants

Below sermon from 07-30-17 titled “Blessed Overcomer” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.

Blessed Overcomer ppt

Below sermon from 07-23-17 titled “The Life We are Called to Live” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.

The Life We Are Called To Live ppt

Below sermon from 07-16-17 titled “Fear Not, Little Flock” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church.

Fear not, little flock ppt

Below sermon from 07-09-17 titled “In Him, We Have Life” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church

In HIM We Have Life ppt

There is no sermon recorded for this past Sunday (July 2nd, 2017).

Below sermon from 06-25-17 titled “Flee Babylon and Live Holy” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church

Flee Babylon and Live Holy ppt

Below sermon from 06-18-17 titled “Holy Amputation” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church

**The recording is missing one audio reading from Romans 13:12 in the NLT Version of the Bible. Internet and audio recording issues prevent it from being included at this time. You can still read it in the power Point slides.

A Holy Amputation ppt

Below sermon from 06-11-17 titled “Out of this World, Peace” given by Pastor Bob Olla for Living Word Church at Brookdale Assisted Living Center.

***Where normally there are audio cuts when church members read the scripture verses, the verses have been rerecorded and added to the sermon for your convenience.

Out of this world PEACE ppt

Below sermon from 06-04-17 titled “Filled To Do His Will” given by Pastor Bob Olla.

** There is an abrupt cut to the audio near the end of the sermon as the church took communion this Sunday.

Filled To do His Will ppt

Below sermon from 05-28-17 titled “Ready RU” given by Pastor Bob Olla.


Below sermon from 05-21-17 titled “Love is God” given by Pastor Bob Olla.

Love Is God ppt

Below sermon from 05-06-17 titled “Living in Divine Power” given by Pastor Bob Olla.

Living In Divine Power ppt

Below sermon from 04-30-17 titled “How to Reveal the Savior” given by Pastor Bob Olla.

4-30-17 How To Reveal The Savior ppt

Below sermon from 04-23-17 titled “Seldom Talked About Truth” given by Pastor Bob Olla.

Seldom Talked About Truth ppt

Below sermon from 04-16-17 titled “Empty Grave Full Life” given by Pastor Bob Olla at Brookdale Assisted Living. * There is a reading from Corinthians that is not on the powerpoint slides. It was part of the church taking communion on Resurrection Sunday.

4-16-17 Empty Grave Full Life ppt

Below sermon from 04-09-17 titled “Not What Was Expected” given by Pastor Bob Olla.

Not what was expected ppt

Below sermon from 04-02-17 titled “Faith Walking” given by Pastor Bob Olla.

04-02-17 Faith Walking ppt

Below sermon from 03-26-17 titled “It’s Not a Collector’s Item” given by Pastor Bob Olla.

03:26:17 It’s Not A Collectors Item ppt

Below sermon from 02-26-17 titled “Time to Shine” given by Pastor Bob Olla at John Slaby Villa

Time To Shine ppt

Below sermon from 02-19-17 titled “Seeing God” given by Pastor Bob Olla at Brookdale Assisted Living.

******* This sermon has some audio cut out around the 3 minute mark. The mic died at one point in the beginning and had to be switched out.


Below sermon from 02-12-17 titled “Identity Crises” given by Chris Ross at Living Word Church

02-12-17 Identity Crises Sermon Scriptures

Below sermon from 02-05-17 titled “Spiritual Fruit Leads To Power Revelation” given by Pastor Bob Olla at Living Word Church

02-05-17 Spiritual Fruit Leads To Power Revelation

Below sermon from 01-29-17 titled “Mountain Moving Fruit”‘ given by Pastor Bob Olla at Living Word Church

01-29-17 Mountain Moving Fruit Sermon Scriptures

Below sermon from 01-22-17 titled “Alive in Christ”‘ given by pastor Bob Olla at Living Word Church

01-22-17 ‘Alive in Christ’ Sermon Scriptures

Below sermon from 01-15-17 titled “Spiritual Amnesia”‘ given by pastor Bob Olla at Living Word Church

Below sermon from 01-08-17 given by Pastor Bob Olla at Living Word Church

Hebrews 4:12